CHAPTER 1: A New Beginning

On the first light of dawn in Seoul, Masha's eyes fluttered open as the soft call of the Azan echoed through her room. It was her first day at university, a day filled with excitement and nerves. With a heart full of gratitude, she rose from her bed and performed her Fajr Salah, feeling the serenity that prayer always brought her.

She goes towards her parents bedroom and knock at the door. After hearing the knock her appa opens the door "Appa" she said and hug him. "My princess" her father said and look at her mother. "I have decided that we will drive you to university with you as today is your first day" her eomma said. "But appi" Masha said then her mother hold her hand and said " Don't worry she already left for work" Masha smiles and said "okay let's eat breakfast" then they move towards dining table and started eating breakfast. After breakfast they get ready and left for University

At the university campus, Masha's eyes widened at the sight of bustling students, each on their own journey of discovery. She had to says goodbye to her parents. And started walking towards University campus. Suddenly a car passed and make her clothes wet. She shouted at the car but it didn't stop. Suddenly a voice came from her back. She looks at the direction there is a girl. The girl came forward and said "Oh no! look at your clothes, Do you want to change?" Masha look at the girl and said "thank you for asking but I have clothes, Can you lead me the way to washroom?" "Ok" that girl said and help Masha find her way. They both shared talks and that girl named, Sara and also in the same class as Masha. They both become close in one day. Throughout the day, as lectures and discussions filled her mind, Masha found moments to reflect and offer gratitude to Allah for the opportunity to pursue knowledge and grow in faith. With each Salah she performed, she felt a sense of connection to her Creator, a bond that strengthened her resolve and fueled her aspirations. She performed her salah at University as Sara is the daughter of principal, she arranged everything. And as the day drew to a close, Masha returned home, her heart brimming with gratitude for the blessings of a new beginning, a day marked by faith, learning, and the unwavering belief in Allah. Masha shares her day with her family and also about her new friend, Sara. Her father was warning her to stay away from boys. Her father is strick strict and he doesn't even allow her to go alone anywhere. She respect her father and also love him . Masha is eating with her family now. Suddenly Masha's appi, Zunii breaks the silence and said "Masha tomorrow I will drop you to University" Masha nodded and then her appa said, Zunii my doll I want you to get married as it's your age of getting married"


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Just wanna write my imagination😄.

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